woensdag 30 mei 2012


Wednesday 30 May

A quiet day on the whole, with a tad more energy and but few upheavals, following a sound night's sleep.

After checking with our homeopathic doctor, we upped the dilution on Lara's medication. It has been over a week now since her last transfusion. Last night a blood sample was taken. Her red blood cells are at 2.8, neutrophils stand at 0.27, her hemoglobin at 8.2. her WBC at 1.75 (all in the right direction and moving), but her platelets (the first to start sliding mid-January) stand at a measily 1. As soon as the latter start moving up, hope resurges.

We ate a combination of foods prepared by two Italian cooks we know (Andreina and Elisabetta). Lara managed to make quite a dent in them, as she had done for breakfast as well. For dinner she had bouillon with Chinese shrimp dumplings and ate them with gusto.

Brussels 21 degrees centigrade. Summer at last.

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