dinsdag 21 februari 2012

No news this carnaval

The doctor called yesterday to inform that my platelets are still low but my red blood cells, white blood cells and neutrophils are all way up and almost within the normal range. So this is one bit of encouraging news. I've waited all evening for another call with more information, but none has come.

I feel as if I've been told the executioner is on vacation and may not come back but no one is sure. The uncertainty is very tough, but compared to "the disease is back" and "pack your hospital bag for more rounds of chemotherapy"; this is definitely better. The only thing to do is stay positive!

Meanwhile, at my urging, Toine is in Breda celebrating Carnaval with daughter Lot and family (Yasmin is very proud to be parading with Opa) his sister Hanneke and family. It is good for him to enjoy a few hours without thinking about bone marrow or platelets until tomorrow. This is of course NOT Carnaval of Latin rhythm, haughty "pompies" and high swaying hips. It is beer-splashed Nordic banging, clanging and umpaahh umpaahh.

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